Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine vs. Traditional Manufacturing Methods
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When comparing the Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine with traditional manufacturing methods, several significant differences become apparent, highlighting the advantages of the ISBM technology.
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Traditional manufacturing methods, such as separate injection molding followed by blow molding or extrusion blow molding, often involve multiple steps and complex procedures. Each step requires its own set of equipment, labor, and energy consumption. In contrast, the ISBM machine combines injection, stretching, and blow molding into a single, integrated process. This one - step approach simplifies the manufacturing operation, reduces the need for multiple machine setups, and shortens the overall production time.
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In terms of product quality, traditional methods often struggle to achieve the same level of precision and consistency as the ISBM machine. For example, in traditional extrusion blow molding, it can be challenging to control the wall thickness of the products uniformly. This can result in products with thick and thin spots, which may affect their performance and durability. The ISBM process, on the other hand, offers precise control over the material flow during stretching and blowing, ensuring a more uniform wall thickness and better overall product quality.
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The energy consumption of traditional manufacturing methods is typically higher than that of the ISBM machine. In traditional setups, the plastic material needs to be heated multiple times, first for injection and then for subsequent blowing operations. This repeated heating consumes a significant amount of energy. The ISBM machine, with its optimized one - step process and advanced temperature control systems, reduces energy consumption by heating the plastic only once and efficiently using the residual heat during the stretching and blowing stages.
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The versatility of the ISBM machine also sets it apart from traditional methods. The ISBM machine can produce a wide range of products with different shapes, sizes, and wall thicknesses. It can easily accommodate changes in product design by simply changing the molds. Traditional manufacturing methods may require more significant modifications to the equipment or additional processing steps to achieve the same level of product variety.
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Another advantage of the ISBM machine is its ability to use recycled materials more effectively. Traditional methods may have limitations in processing recycled plastics due to issues such as inconsistent quality and difficulty in material flow. The ISBM machine, with its precise control over the injection and blowing processes, can handle a wider range of recycled materials and produce high - quality products from them.
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In conclusion, the Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine offers significant advantages over traditional manufacturing methods in terms of process simplicity, product quality, energy - efficiency, versatility, and the ability to use recycled materials. As the manufacturing industry continues to evolve, the ISBM technology is likely to become an increasingly dominant force in plastic product manufacturing.

Injektionsdel |
Skruediameter |
40mm |
Skrue L / D-forhold |
20.5:1 |
Skruehastighed |
0-190RPM |
Teoretisk injektionskapacitet |
238cm3 |
Injektionstryk |
174Mpa |
Maks. Hydraulisk tryk |
Den faktiske injektionsmængde (PS): |
Skrueslag: |
Klemdel |
Blæsespændekraft: |
800 |
Clamp Tonnage: |
400Kn |
Hjuldiameter: |
800mm |
Maks. Højde på flaske: |
ISB: 145 / en: 140 |
Åben lodret tilstandstur: |
430mm |
Andre |
Maks. Pumpetryk: |
16Mpa |
Motorolie: |
18.5 kW |
Elektrisk strøm: |
12.2 kW |
Olietank: |
400L |
Samlet dimension (L*B*H): |
3.8 m * 1.45 m * 3.0 m |
Vægt: |
5000kg |

ISB800 |
PC, PS, PMMA lampe dæksel, LED lys lampeskærm, jule flash lys, have og gade lys. |
PET høj gennemsigtig flaske (tyndere væg), kosmetisk flaske 10ml til 500ml, PET bred hals krukke, PET farmaceutisk flaske. |
PP høj gennemsigtig flaske, sutteflaske, sportsflaske |
PCTG, Tritan drikkevandsflaske, sportsflaske |
Enkelttrin VS To-trin Enkelttrin og to-trin
støbning |
Proces |
Struktur |
Mandskab/Energi/Rum |
Produktkvalitet |
Dawson One-step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine |
Fra præform til produkt i én maskine |
Én maskine |
Lidt |
Ikke påvirket af fugt og mindre forurening; Forskellige former for form |
Anden maskine |
Sprøjtestøbning og blæsestøbning er to adskilte processer |
1. Sprøjtestøbemaskine 2. Præform transit maskine 3. Genopvarmnings-, stræk- og afstøbningsmaskine |
Mere |
Let påvirkning af fugt og forurenet; Singleness form |

1. Hjulets rotation drives af elektrisk servomotor, ikke hydraulisk.
2. Fuldautomatisk kontrolsystem, nem betjening.
3. Temperaturen på materialetønde og varmløber styres nøjagtigt af PIT.
4. Der spares flere omkostninger end traditionel maskine.
5. Kompakt struktur; mindre pladsbehov.
6. Indsprøjtning: Varmløber og temperaturkontrolenhed er standardkonfiguration.
Skift kun form for at lave et nyt produkt;
Strækslag: Hydraulisk formspænding, kerneindsats, strækblæse og bundstøbning er standardkonfiguration;
Produktudgivelse: Udstyret med en standard ejektor.
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ZOE PACK vil være din pålidelige ven i Kina, og vi vil altid gøre vores bedste for at give dig maksimal støtte!