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High Output Cosmetic Packaging Bottle PET One Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine
High Output Cosmetic Packaging Bottle PET One Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine
High Output Cosmetic Packaging Bottle PET One Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine
High Output Cosmetic Packaging Bottle PET One Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine
High Output Cosmetic Packaging Bottle PET One Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine
High Output Cosmetic Packaging Bottle PET One Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine

High Output Cosmetic Packaging Bottle PET One Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine

  • Introduktion

isbm One Step Bottle Maker Machine

Superior Product Quality Achieved by Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine
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The Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine is renowned for its ability to produce plastic products of exceptional quality. This superiority is evident in several aspects of the final products.
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One of the most notable features is the uniform wall thickness of the containers produced. During the stretching and blowing process, the plastic material is evenly distributed across the mold, resulting in a consistent wall thickness throughout the container. This uniform wall thickness is crucial for ensuring the structural integrity of the product. For example, in a plastic bottle for carbonated beverages, a uniform wall thickness helps the bottle withstand the internal pressure exerted by the carbonation without developing weak spots or deformations.
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The clarity and transparency of the products are also significantly enhanced by the ISBM process. The stretching action aligns the polymer chains in the plastic, reducing light scattering and resulting in a more transparent finish. This is highly desirable in industries such as food and beverage, where the contents of the container need to be visible to the consumer. Clear plastic bottles for juices or water not only showcase the product but also give a sense of freshness and purity.â € <
In addition, the ISBM process can produce products with excellent dimensional accuracy. The molds used in the machine are designed with high precision, and the automated control system ensures that each cycle produces containers with consistent dimensions. This is essential for applications where the containers need to fit into specific packaging or dispensing systems. For instance, pharmaceutical vials produced by an ISBM machine must have precise dimensions to ensure proper sealing and compatibility with syringe needles.
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The surface finish of the products is another area where the ISBM machine excels. The smooth and defect - free surface of the containers is a result of the precise control over the injection, stretching, and blowing processes. There are no visible seams, flash, or sprue marks, giving the products an aesthetically pleasing appearance. In the cosmetics industry, where packaging plays a crucial role in product marketing, the high - quality surface finish of containers produced by ISBM machines can enhance the brand image.
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Moreover, the mechanical properties of the products are improved. The stretching process during manufacturing increases the tensile strength and impact resistance of the plastic. This makes the containers more durable and suitable for handling, transportation, and long - term storage. A plastic container used for storing household chemicals, for example, needs to be strong enough to withstand accidental drops and rough handling, and the ISBM - produced containers can meet these requirements.
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In conclusion, the Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine offers a range of benefits that contribute to the production of high - quality plastic products. The uniform wall thickness, enhanced clarity, dimensional accuracy, excellent surface finish, and improved mechanical properties make these products highly suitable for a wide range of applications in various industries.

ISBM One-Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine

Skruediameter 40mm
Skrue L / D-forhold 20.5:1
Skruehastighed 0-190RPM
Teoretisk injektionskapacitet 238cm3
Injektionstryk 174Mpa
Maks. Hydraulisk tryk
Den faktiske injektionsmængde (PS):
Blæsespændekraft: 800
Clamp Tonnage: 400Kn
Hjuldiameter: 800mm
Maks. Højde på flaske: ISB: 145 / en: 140
Åben lodret tilstandstur: 430mm
Maks. Pumpetryk: 16Mpa
Motorolie: 18.5 kW
Elektrisk strøm: 12.2 kW
Olietank: 400L
Samlet dimension (L*B*H): 3.8 m * 1.45 m * 3.0 m
Vægt: 5000kg

High Output PET Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine ISBM til kosmetisk flaskePET-pære One Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding MachineInjection Stretch Blow Molding Machine

ISB800 PC, PS, PMMA lampe dæksel, LED lys lampeskærm, jule flash lys, have og gade lys.
PET høj gennemsigtig flaske (tyndere væg), kosmetisk flaske 10ml til 500ml, PET bred hals krukke, PET farmaceutisk flaske.
PP høj gennemsigtig flaske, sutteflaske, sportsflaske
PCTG, Tritan drikkevandsflaske, sportsflaske

Enkelttrin VS To-trin Enkelttrin og to-trin

støbning Proces Struktur Mandskab/Energi/Rum Produktkvalitet
Dawson One-step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine Fra præform til produkt i én maskine Én maskine Lidt Ikke påvirket af fugt og mindre forurening; Forskellige former for form
Anden maskine Sprøjtestøbning og blæsestøbning er to adskilte processer 1. Sprøjtestøbemaskine
2. Præform transit maskine
3. Genopvarmnings-, stræk- og afstøbningsmaskine
Mere Let påvirkning af fugt og forurenet; Singleness form

Højtydende One Stage PET-flaske blæsestøbemaskineHøjkvalitets PET kosmetisk flaskefremstillingsmaskine Injection Stretch Blow Molding MachineHigh Output PET kosmetisk flaske ISBM Injection Stretch Blow Molding MachineHigh Output PET ISBM One Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine

1. Hjulets rotation drives af elektrisk servomotor, ikke hydraulisk.
2. Fuldautomatisk kontrolsystem, nem betjening.
3. Temperaturen på materialetønde og varmløber styres nøjagtigt af PIT.
4. Der spares flere omkostninger end traditionel maskine.
5. Kompakt struktur; mindre pladsbehov.
6. Indsprøjtning: Varmløber og temperaturkontrolenhed er standardkonfiguration.
Skift kun form for at lave et nyt produkt;
Strækslag: Hydraulisk formspænding, kerneindsats, strækblæse og bundstøbning er standardkonfiguration;
Produktudgivelse: Udstyret med en standard ejektor.
beliggende i Zhangjiagang by, har mere end 18 års erfaring inden for plastmaskiner, sprøjtestøbemaskine, blæsestøbemaskine, PET blæsestøbemaskine, sprøjteblæsestøbemaskine, i løbet af de sidste 18 år tvinger vi altid vores energi til nye områder af plastmaskiner, plastemballagemaskiner, for at opdatere teknologien, for at lære avanceret erfaring, for at bekræfte ny teori og nyt design, danner vi en unik konkurrencefordel for vores egne. Maskinerne fra vores virksomhed har god kvalitet og effektiv efter- salgsservice på markedet,
kunder fra mere end 45 lande, vi leverer en komplet løsning til din plastindustrivirksomhed samt alle former for teknisk support og eftersalgsservice!
ZOE PACK vil være din pålidelige ven i Kina, og vi vil altid gøre vores bedste for at give dig maksimal støtte!


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