Superior Product Quality Achieved by Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine
The Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine is renowned for its ability to produce plastic products of exceptional quality. This superiority is evident in several aspects of the final products.
One of the most notable features is the uniform wall thickness of the containers produced. During the stretching and blowing process, the plastic material is evenly distributed across the mold, resulting in a consistent wall thickness throughout the container. This uniform wall thickness is crucial for ensuring the structural integrity of the product. For example, in a plastic bottle for carbonated beverages, a uniform wall thickness helps the bottle withstand the internal pressure exerted by the carbonation without developing weak spots or deformations.
The clarity and transparency of the products are also significantly enhanced by the ISBM process. The stretching action aligns the polymer chains in the plastic, reducing light scattering and resulting in a more transparent finish. This is highly desirable in industries such as food and beverage, where the contents of the container need to be visible to the consumer. Clear plastic bottles for juices or water not only showcase the product but also give a sense of freshness and purity.,war
In addition, the ISBM process can produce products with excellent dimensional accuracy. The molds used in the machine are designed with high precision, and the automated control system ensures that each cycle produces containers with consistent dimensions. This is essential for applications where the containers need to fit into specific packaging or dispensing systems. For instance, pharmaceutical vials produced by an ISBM machine must have precise dimensions to ensure proper sealing and compatibility with syringe needles.
The surface finish of the products is another area where the ISBM machine excels. The smooth and defect - free surface of the containers is a result of the precise control over the injection, stretching, and blowing processes. There are no visible seams, flash, or sprue marks, giving the products an aesthetically pleasing appearance. In the cosmetics industry, where packaging plays a crucial role in product marketing, the high - quality surface finish of containers produced by ISBM machines can enhance the brand image.
Moreover, the mechanical properties of the products are improved. The stretching process during manufacturing increases the tensile strength and impact resistance of the plastic. This makes the containers more durable and suitable for handling, transportation, and long - term storage. A plastic container used for storing household chemicals, for example, needs to be strong enough to withstand accidental drops and rough handling, and the ISBM - produced containers can meet these requirements.
In conclusion, the Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine offers a range of benefits that contribute to the production of high - quality plastic products. The uniform wall thickness, enhanced clarity, dimensional accuracy, excellent surface finish, and improved mechanical properties make these products highly suitable for a wide range of applications in various industries.

射出部 |
ネジ径 |
40 mm |
スクリューL / D比 |
20.5:1 |
スクリュー速度 |
0-190RPM |
理論上の注入容量 |
238cm3 |
射出圧力 |
174Mpa |
マックス 油圧圧力 |
実際の注入量(PS): |
スクリューストローク: |
クランプ部 |
ブロークランプ力: |
800 |
クランプトン数: |
400Kn |
ホイール直径: |
800 mm |
ボトルの最大高さ: |
ISB: 145 / 140: XNUMX |
オープン垂直モードトリップ: |
430 mm |
その他 |
最大ポンプ圧力: |
16Mpa |
モーター・オイル: |
18.5 Kw |
電力: |
12.2 Kw |
オイルタンク: |
400L |
全体寸法(長さ*幅*高さ): |
3.8メートル×1.45メートル×3.0メートル |
総重量: |
5000kg |

ISB800 |
PC、PS、PMMA ランプカバー、LED ライト ランプシェード、クリスマス フラッシュ ライト、ガーデン ライト、街灯。 |
PET高透明ボトル(薄壁)、化粧品ボトル10ml~500ml、PET広口瓶、PET医薬品ボトル。 |
PP高透明ボトル、哺乳瓶、スポーツボトル |
PCTG、トライタン飲料水ボトル、スポーツボトル |
シングルステップ VS ツーステップ シングルステップとツーステップ
Molding |
プロセス |
Structure |
人材/エネルギー/宇宙 |
製品品質 |
ドーソンワンステップ射出延伸ブロー成形機 |
プリフォームから製品まで1台のマシンで |
XNUMX台のマシン |
リトル |
湿気の影響を受けにくく、汚染が少ない。形状も多様。 |
その他の機械 |
射出成形とブロー成形は別々のプロセスである |
1.射出成形機 2.プリフォーム輸送機 3.再加熱、延伸、成形解除機 |
その他 |
湿気や汚れの影響を受けやすい。単一形状 |

1. ホイールの回転は油圧ではなく電気サーボモーターによって駆動されます。
2. 全自動制御システム、操作が簡単。
3. 材料バレルとホットランナーの温度はPITによって正確に制御されます。
4. 従来の機械よりもコストを節約できます。
5. コンパクトな構造で、必要なスペースが少なくて済みます。
6. 注入: ホットランナーと温度制御装置が標準構成です。
ストレッチブロー: 油圧式金型クランプ、コアインサート、ストレッチブロー、ボトムモールディングが標準構成です。
製品リリース: エジェクターを標準装備。
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