Key Technological Features of Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine
The Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine incorporates several key technological features that enable it to produce high - quality plastic products efficiently.,war
One of the most crucial features is the advanced temperature control system. As mentioned earlier, precise temperature control is essential at every stage of the process. The material barrel, hot runner, and heating station are all equipped with state - of - the - art temperature sensors and controllers. These devices can accurately monitor and adjust the temperature within a very narrow range. For example, in the material barrel, the temperature needs to be maintained precisely to ensure that the plastic melts uniformly and flows smoothly for injection. The hot runner system, which keeps the plastic in a molten state as it travels to the mold, requires equally precise temperature control to prevent premature solidification or overheating. The heating station, where the preform is reheated for stretching and blowing, uses mica heat rings that can be independently adjusted to provide the optimal temperature for each part of the preform.
The stretching mechanism in the ISBM machine is another key technological feature. The stretching rod, which is inserted into the preform during the blow - molding stage, is designed to provide a controlled and uniform stretching action. The speed and distance of the stretching rod can be precisely adjusted according to the requirements of the product. This stretching action not only helps in achieving the desired shape and wall thickness of the container but also improves the mechanical properties of the plastic by aligning the polymer chains.
The blow - molding system in the ISBM machine is also highly sophisticated. It uses high - pressure air to expand the preform into the shape of the mold. The air pressure and flow rate are carefully controlled to ensure that the preform is evenly inflated and takes on the exact shape of the mold. The design of the blow mold itself is also crucial, with precise cavities and surface finishes to ensure the production of high - quality containers with smooth surfaces and accurate dimensions.,war
The automation and control system of the ISBM machine is a major technological advantage. The entire process, from the feeding of plastic resin pellets to the ejection of the finished product, is automated. This automation reduces the need for manual intervention, minimizes human error, and increases production efficiency. The machine can be programmed to control various parameters such as injection pressure, stretching speed, blow - molding time, and temperature, allowing for consistent and reliable production.

Del za vbrizgavanje |
Premer vijaka |
40mm |
Vijačno razmerje L / D |
20.5:1 |
Hitrost vijaka |
0-190RPM |
Teoretična zmogljivost vbrizgavanja |
238cm3 |
Tlak vbrizgovanja |
174Mpa |
Max. Hidravlični tlak |
Dejanska količina vbrizga (PS): |
Hod vijaka: |
Vpenjalni del |
Vpenjalna sila udarca: |
800 |
Tonaža objemke: |
400Kn |
Premer koles: |
800mm |
maks. Višina steklenice: |
ISB: 145 / ena: 140 |
Odprto potovanje v navpičnem načinu: |
430mm |
drugi |
maks. Tlak črpalke: |
16Mpa |
Motorno olje: |
18.5 kW |
Električna moč: |
12.2 kW |
Rezervoar za olje: |
400L |
Celotna dimenzija (D*Š*V): |
3.8 M * 1.45 M * 3.0 m |
Teža: |
5000kg |

ISB800 |
Pokrov luči PC, PS, PMMA, senčnik luči LED, božična bliskavica, vrtna in ulična luč. |
PET visoka prozorna steklenica (tanjša stena), kozmetična steklenica 10 ml do 500 ml, PET kozarec s širokim vratom, PET farmacevtska steklenica. |
PP visoka prozorna steklenička, steklenička za hranjenje dojenčkov, športna steklenička |
PCTG, steklenica za pitno vodo Tritan, steklenica za šport |
Enostopenjski VS Dvostopenjski Enostopenjski in dvostopenjski
Oblikovanje |
Proces |
struktura |
Delovna sila/energija/vesolje |
Kakovost izdelka |
Stroj za raztegljivo pihanje Dawson v enem koraku |
Od predoblike do izdelka v enem stroju |
En stroj |
malo |
Ne vpliva na vlago in manj onesnaženja; Različne oblike |
Drugi stroj |
Brizganje in pihanje sta dva ločena postopka |
1. Stroj za brizganje 2.Predoblik tranzitni stroj 3. Stroj za ponovno segrevanje, raztezanje in odlivanje |
Več |
Enostavno vpliva na vlažno in onesnaženo; Oblika samske |

1. Vrtenje koles poganja električni servo motor, ne hidravlični.
2. Popolnoma avtomatski nadzorni sistem, enostavno upravljanje.
3. Temperaturo soda materiala in vročega kanala natančno nadzoruje PIT.
4. Prihrani več stroškov kot tradicionalni stroj.
5. Kompaktna struktura; potrebno manj prostora.
6. Vbrizgavanje: Vroči kanal in naprava za nadzor temperature sta standardna konfiguracija.
Kalup zamenjajte samo za izdelavo novega izdelka;
Stretch Blow: Hidravlično vpenjanje kalupa, jedrni vložek, raztegljivo pihanje in oblikovanje dna so standardna konfiguracija;
Izdaja izdelka: Opremljen s standardnim ejektorjem.
ki se nahaja v mestu Zhangjiagang, ima več kot 18 let izkušenj na področju strojev za plastiko, stroja za brizganje plastike, stroja za pihanje, PET stroja za pihanje, stroja za brizganje pihanja, v zadnjih 18 letih vedno silimo svojo energijo v novo področja plastičnih strojev, strojev za plastično embalažo, za posodobitev tehnologije, za učenje naprednih izkušenj, za potrditev nove teorije in novega dizajna, oblikujemo edinstveno konkurenčno prednost našega lastnega podjetja. Stroji našega podjetja so kakovostni in učinkoviti po- prodajni servis, na trgu,
strankam iz več kot 45 držav nudimo celovito rešitev za vaše poslovanje v plastični industriji ter vse vrste tehnične podpore in poprodajnih storitev!
ZOE PACK bo vaš zanesljiv prijatelj na Kitajskem in vedno se bomo potrudili, da vam zagotovimo maksimalno podporo!