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Plastic Reusable Cosmetic Bottle One Step Pet Injection Stretch Blow Moulding Machine
Plastic Reusable Cosmetic Bottle One Step Pet Injection Stretch Blow Moulding Machine
Plastic Reusable Cosmetic Bottle One Step Pet Injection Stretch Blow Moulding Machine
Plastic Reusable Cosmetic Bottle One Step Pet Injection Stretch Blow Moulding Machine
Plastic Reusable Cosmetic Bottle One Step Pet Injection Stretch Blow Moulding Machine
Plastic Reusable Cosmetic Bottle One Step Pet Injection Stretch Blow Moulding Machine

Plastic Reusable Cosmetic Bottle One Step Pet Injection Stretch Blow Moulding Machine

  • Uvod

isbm enostopenjski stroj za izdelavo steklenic

Maintenance and Long - Term Reliability of Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine​,war
The Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine (ISBM) is a complex and high - value asset in plastic manufacturing facilities. To ensure its long - term reliability and optimal performance, a comprehensive maintenance strategy is essential.
Regular inspection of the machine's mechanical components is the first line of defense. The moving parts such as the stretching rod, injection pistons, and mold - opening/closing mechanisms are prone to wear and tear due to continuous operation. Lubrication points should be identified and regularly serviced to reduce friction and prevent premature failure. For example, the bearings that support the stretching rod's movement need to be lubricated with high - quality grease at specified intervals. Any signs of misalignment or abnormal noise in these mechanical components should be addressed immediately. If a stretching rod is misaligned, it can lead to uneven stretching of the preform, resulting in defective products.
The heating and cooling systems also require close attention. The heating elements in the barrel, hot runner, and heating station can degrade over time. Infrared heaters or mica heat rings may develop hot spots or burn out completely. Regular checks of the resistance of these heating elements can help detect potential failures in advance. Temperature sensors, which play a crucial role in maintaining precise temperature control, should be calibrated periodically. A malfunctioning temperature sensor can cause incorrect heating or cooling, leading to inconsistent product quality.
The cooling system, which is responsible for setting the shape of the molded containers, needs to be maintained to ensure efficient heat dissipation. The cooling channels in the molds should be flushed regularly to remove any build - up of scale or debris. This build - up can impede the flow of coolant, reducing the cooling efficiency and potentially causing the containers to cool unevenly, resulting in warped products.
The air - compression system, which provides the high - pressure air for blow - molding, is another critical area for maintenance. Compressors should be regularly serviced, and air filters need to be replaced to ensure clean and dry air supply. Moisture in the compressed air can cause corrosion in the blow - molding system and affect the quality of the products. Pressure regulators should also be calibrated to ensure that the correct air pressure is applied during the blow - molding process.
In addition to routine maintenance, predictive maintenance techniques can be employed. By using sensors to monitor parameters such as vibration, temperature, and energy consumption, potential issues can be predicted before they cause a breakdown. For example, an increase in vibration levels of the injection unit may indicate a problem with the motor or gears. Analyzing historical data from these sensors can help in creating a maintenance schedule that is based on the actual condition of the machine, rather than just on a fixed - interval basis.
Overall, proper maintenance of the Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine is not only about keeping the machine running but also about ensuring consistent high - quality production. By investing in a comprehensive maintenance program, manufacturers can extend the lifespan of the machine, reduce downtime, and ultimately improve their bottom line.

Stroj za vlivanje z raztegljivim pihanjem ISBM v enem koraku

Del za vbrizgavanje
Premer vijaka 40mm
Vijačno razmerje L / D 20.5:1
Hitrost vijaka 0-190RPM
Teoretična zmogljivost vbrizgavanja 238cm3
Tlak vbrizgovanja 174Mpa
Max. Hidravlični tlak
Dejanska količina vbrizga (PS):
Hod vijaka:
Vpenjalni del
Vpenjalna sila udarca: 800
Tonaža objemke: 400Kn
Premer koles: 800mm
maks. Višina steklenice: ISB: 145 / ena: 140
Odprto potovanje v navpičnem načinu: 430mm
maks. Tlak črpalke: 16Mpa
Motorno olje: 18.5 kW
Električna moč: 12.2 kW
Rezervoar za olje: 400L
Celotna dimenzija (D*Š*V): 3.8 M * 1.45 M * 3.0 m
Teža: 5000kg

Stroj za raztegljivo pihanje PET z visoko zmogljivostjo ISBM za kozmetične steklenicePET žarnica, enostopenjski brizgalni stroj za raztezno pihanjeStroj za brizganje raztegljivega pihanja

ISB800 Pokrov luči PC, PS, PMMA, senčnik luči LED, božična bliskavica, vrtna in ulična luč.
PET visoka prozorna steklenica (tanjša stena), kozmetična steklenica 10 ml do 500 ml, PET kozarec s širokim vratom, PET farmacevtska steklenica.
PP visoka prozorna steklenička, steklenička za hranjenje dojenčkov, športna steklenička
PCTG, steklenica za pitno vodo Tritan, steklenica za šport

Enostopenjski VS Dvostopenjski Enostopenjski in dvostopenjski

Oblikovanje Proces struktura Delovna sila/energija/vesolje Kakovost izdelka
Stroj za raztegljivo pihanje Dawson v enem koraku Od predoblike do izdelka v enem stroju En stroj malo Ne vpliva na vlago in manj onesnaženja; Različne oblike
Drugi stroj Brizganje in pihanje sta dva ločena postopka 1. Stroj za brizganje
2.Predoblik tranzitni stroj
3. Stroj za ponovno segrevanje, raztezanje in odlivanje
Več Enostavno vpliva na vlažno in onesnaženo; Oblika samske

Visoko zmogljiv enostopenjski stroj za vlivanje PET steklenicVisokokakovosten PET kozmetični stroj za izdelavo stroja za brizganje, raztegljivo pihanjeStroj za brizganje PET kozmetičnih steklenic ISBM z visoko zmogljivostjoVisoko zmogljiv PET ISBM enostopenjski brizgalni stroj za raztezno pihanje

1. Vrtenje koles poganja električni servo motor, ne hidravlični.
2. Popolnoma avtomatski nadzorni sistem, enostavno upravljanje.
3. Temperaturo soda materiala in vročega kanala natančno nadzoruje PIT.
4. Prihrani več stroškov kot tradicionalni stroj.
5. Kompaktna struktura; potrebno manj prostora.
6. Vbrizgavanje: Vroči kanal in naprava za nadzor temperature sta standardna konfiguracija.
Kalup zamenjajte samo za izdelavo novega izdelka;
Stretch Blow: Hidravlično vpenjanje kalupa, jedrni vložek, raztegljivo pihanje in oblikovanje dna so standardna konfiguracija;
Izdaja izdelka: Opremljen s standardnim ejektorjem.
ki se nahaja v mestu Zhangjiagang, ima več kot 18 let izkušenj na področju strojev za plastiko, stroja za brizganje plastike, stroja za pihanje, PET stroja za pihanje, stroja za brizganje pihanja, v zadnjih 18 letih vedno silimo svojo energijo v novo področja plastičnih strojev, strojev za plastično embalažo, za posodobitev tehnologije, za učenje naprednih izkušenj, za potrditev nove teorije in novega dizajna, oblikujemo edinstveno konkurenčno prednost našega lastnega podjetja. Stroji našega podjetja so kakovostni in učinkoviti po- prodajni servis, na trgu,
strankam iz več kot 45 držav nudimo celovito rešitev za vaše poslovanje v plastični industriji ter vse vrste tehnične podpore in poprodajnih storitev!
ZOE PACK bo vaš zanesljiv prijatelj na Kitajskem in vedno se bomo potrudili, da vam zagotovimo maksimalno podporo!


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